Company structure

strukturaManagement of NP “ROSBITUM”

The Board is formed of the founders of the Partnership and their authorized representatives on the basis of the Decision of General meeting of founders. The Board is a permanent collegial governing body.
The Board is accountable to the General meeting and in its activities is guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter, decisions of the General Assembly, the Regulations and their solutions. The Board is elected by direct vote by a simple majority at a General meeting.

Chairman of the Board

General management of the activities of the management Board Chairman of the management Board, within its competence, acting on behalf of the Partnership. Chairman of the Board elected by direct vote by majority vote of the Board members. Decides on the activities of the management Board, except for the issues referred to the competence of the General meeting.

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board acts in accordance with the Russian Civil Code, Federal laws “On noncommercial organizations”, the Charter and Regulation on the Supervisory Board of the Partnership. The Supervisory Board was created in order to ensure the success of Partnership activities on the achievement of the purposes defined in its Charter and program documents. The main purpose of the Council is the oversight and assistance to the Partnership.
Tasks of the Council are assisting the Board in online search tools to priority objectives oversight over the use of funds received by the Partnership, and compliance with the Partnership legislation. The members of the Board approved by the General meeting of founders and carry out their activities on a voluntary basis.