07.07.2014 | Approval of the new edition of the Transport strategy of the Russia for until 2030

the Order of the government of the Russian Federation on approving the new edition of the Transport strategy of Russian Federation up to 2030

medvedOrder on June 11, 2014, no. 1032-R. The new edition of the Transport strategy is directed on formation of the uniform transport space of Russia on the basis of a balanced outstripping development of an efficient transport infrastructure, the availability and quality of transport services for the population according to social standards, ensuring the availability and quality of transport and logistics services in the sphere of freight transportation, integration into the international transport network, realization of transit potential of the country, increasing the level of security of the transport system. Adjusted deadlines and stages of works on individual projects, including the projects of development of high-speed railway traffic, the updated action plan for implementation of the Transport strategy for the medium term (2014-2018).

the Purpose of the new edition of the Transport strategy:

- formation of unified transport system of Russia on the basis of a balanced outstripping development of an efficient transport infrastructure;

- ensuring the availability and quality of transport and logistics services in the sphere of freight transportation at the level of the development needs of the economy;

- ensuring the availability and quality of transport services for the population according to social standards;

- integration into the international transport network, realization of transit potential of the country;

- increase of level of safety of the transport system;

- reducing the negative impact of the transport system on the environment.

To achieve these goals, provides for the following major tasks:

- development and maintenance of transport-economic balance of the country and planning of transport infrastructure development on its basis;

- balanced development integrated transport infrastructure of all modes of transport;

- development of major transport hubs, logistics tovarorasporyadelitelnym centres, dry ports and terminals on the main directions of traffic and at the joints between modes and ensuring their uniform technological compatibility;

- elimination of gaps and bottlenecks transport network, limiting its capacity;

- increasing the capacity and speed parameters of the transport infrastructure;

- development of innovative technologies of building, reconstruction and maintenance of transport infrastructure;

- update and capacity parks freight rolling stock on the basis of transport-economic balance;

- creation of competitive market of comprehensive transport and logistics services;

- improvement of procedures of admission to the commercial transport activity;

- creation of intellectual transport systems with the use of global navigation system GLONASS and modern infocommunication technologies information standards and unified transportation documents (ensuring implementation of highly efficient transport logistics technologies);

- availability of transport services in transportation of cargoes in the Far North, Siberia, Far East and Russia’s remote regions, including the Northern sea route;

- development of inland waterway transport and technology that enables you to switch on it flows in the period of navigation;

- planning of the development of passenger transport systems and rolling stock on the basis of the forecast of socio-economic development and transport-economic balance;

- development of high-speed railway passenger transportation;

- the formation of economic and legal model of the competitive market of affordable and high quality of transport services for the population;

- development of regional air transportation;

- establish competitive transport corridors on the basis of technically and technologically integrated transport and logistics infrastructure and coordination of business processes in order delivery;

- integration into the international transport network;

- improvement of traffic safety, flight and navigation;

- ensuring state protection of objects of transport infrastructure from acts of unlawful interference;

- maintenance of activity of specialized emergency services at a level consistent with international and national requirements;

- modernization of transport means and transport infrastructure aimed at reducing their negative impact on the environment;

- increase the share of clean fuels, hybrid and electric vehicle engines, materials and technologies;

- improving the energy efficiency of transport.

In accordance with the decisions taken at the Government meeting on August 27, 2013, the new edition of the Transport strategy adjusted deadlines and stages of work on separate projects, including the projects of development of high-speed railway traffic, and also the updated action plan for implementation of the Transport strategy for the medium term (2014-2018).

the New edition of the Transport strategy will contribute to the solution of the system of socio-economic problems, such as:

- the presence of territorial and structural disproportions in the development of transport infrastructure;

- insufficient level of accessibility of transport services for the population, labour mobility;

- lack of quality of transport services;

- low level of export of transport services, including the use of the transit potential;

- insufficient level of transport security;

- increasing the negative impact of transport on the environment.

Full document is available on the official website of the Russian Government dated June 11, 2014, no. 1032-R, PDF – 20Mb (download)

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